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The Microfilm Shop | Equipment & Consumables


The Microfilm Shop is the largest independent supplier of microfilm jackets in Europe and can offer very competitive prices. If you have any unusual requirements, please contact us.

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Spools & Boxes

We manufacture a full range of plastic spools, boxes, cartridges, etc. For both 16mm & 35mm roll film systems in a variety of colours.

Visit Spools & Boxes



Diazo & Silver Film

The Microfilm Shop has a full range of Diazo and Silver Microfilm products including our very own Ozpahan range of Diazo including our patented M Black Diazo, our very own Ozaphan range of silver microfilm and the full Fujifilm range of microfilm products – for which The Microfilm Shop are the master European, African and Middle East distributor.

Diazo & Silver Film




We stock a full range of toners and papers for most manufacturers equipment ranges, from the oldest to the newest – both manufacturers original and our own brand (incl lamps, parts, service).




Storage Systems

We supply a wide range of microfilm/ microfiche storage systems, including fiche envelopes, fiche panels, plastic trays, cabinets, fire safes and our own range of metal cabinets.

Storage Systems




Airtight Archival Storage, Aperture Cards, Document Repair Tape, Go-1 Cartridge Film, Hybrid System Supplies, Lamps and Staticide Products.

Storage Systems



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