The Microfilm Shop is the largest independent supplier of microfilm jackets in Europe and can offer very competitive prices. If you have any unusual requirements, please contact us.
Spools & Boxes
We manufacture a full range of plastic spools, boxes, cartridges, etc. For both 16mm & 35mm roll film systems in a variety of colours.
Diazo & Silver Film
The Microfilm Shop has a full range of Diazo and Silver Microfilm products including our very own Ozpahan range of Diazo including our patented M Black Diazo, our very own Ozaphan range of silver microfilm and the full Fujifilm range of microfilm products – for which The Microfilm Shop are the master European, African and Middle East distributor.
We stock a full range of toners and papers for most manufacturers equipment ranges, from the oldest to the newest – both manufacturers original and our own brand (incl lamps, parts, service).
Storage Systems
We supply a wide range of microfilm/ microfiche storage systems, including fiche envelopes, fiche panels, plastic trays, cabinets, fire safes and our own range of metal cabinets.
Airtight Archival Storage, Aperture Cards, Document Repair Tape, Go-1 Cartridge Film, Hybrid System Supplies, Lamps and Staticide Products.